Unlock this badge by performing the steps below. Badges are featured on your profile page.
Get an exclusive custom Hub Badge for your Hub and Hub members.
After unlocking, message a site admin to submit your badge graphic and let us know which Hub to assign your custom badge to. There are no limits to how many custom Hub badges you can have.
You can also purchase this here.
Important: This does not include design services for custom badges.
For best results, submit your graphic within a 500px by 500px (square) space with a transparent background.
You are able to use markdown syntax in the Activity Stream posts & comments and in Hub descriptions.
Here’s a quick guide of the most common things you can do with markdown and how to format it.
# H1 Heading (largest heading size)
## H2 Heading (second largest heading size)
### H3 Heading (third largest heading size)
#### H4 Heading (size gets smaller the more # you use)
**bold text** –> bold text
*italicized text* –> italicized text
~~strikethrough text~~ –> strikethrough text
[Title](https://tcghub.gg) –> Title
 –> shows an image
We have built-in markdown support for a few different images for colors & types that you can use for your Hub descriptions and in the Activity Streams.
Click on a button to copy the Markdown embed code for the image.