Found MTG during the first months of the pandemic and CEDH shortly after chasing the high of the Gitrog Monster. Got my ass pummeled in my first Cockatrice Tournament but still ordered a “Priority Avenger” after for the meme. Then Niv Mizzet gave us a taste of spell slinging but no satisfaction. After that I played Opus Thief until the Merrill got banned. Then I met my First mentor when I started playing Temur Pirates in the godfather of who really pushed the envelope on his spicy slot choices. Although he wasn’t saying it just yet I saw for the first time a new mentality of “just win”, but I wasn’t ready for that yet I had to try all the cope first. So next it was TNT followed shorty by an irrational fugue state where white cards were bad but a 1 drop extra consult was better. Yeah… dark times… I finally said goodbye to Tymna Thrassios after a lack luster performance at the final Okotoberfest. After that was an odyssey of every Thrassios + X deck out there ( we should have let bruse thrass die way sooner than we did ) ultimately bringing me to Dargo. Dargo was our first taste of speed but temur wasn’t the fit I needed. I needed more so we joined the Mardu HotGirl Summer and thrived locally at smaller CEDH tournaments but struggled to convert at large scale tournaments like “the cookout” . It was after Lotus con 2023 I decide to no longer play bad decks and to seek out a proper education and a longstanding mentor in this format. Which is when I Met Memo and started playing T&K. Between the two my wins started coming in till I had a 35% conversion rate. But the draw meta will wear down even the best of midrange grinders. That’s about the time we started trying necropotence and smothering tithe in the 98 and although it felt awkward in the list I fell head over heels for necropotence. Although I never took it to a tournament briefly in 2021 I played Rogsi back when it was as glass cannon as it ever was but only at pickup games. I didn’t like how the deck didn’t have a plan past turn 4 and deflated like a flan in a cupboard. So when I started seeing pilots like Doom, Zane and Sergio dominating with this New Necropotence focused list modified from Bryant Cook’s my interest peaked. Since February 2024 I’ve been with “The Boys” and honestly it’s been the highlight of my magic career. Recently took the list to semis at the PDW CEDH Finals 4k to top 16 and even post ban you would have to pry this list from my cold dead hands. So I haven’t been around too long but I’ve been around as much as I could in that short time. I pride myself on my honesty in matches and although Yao is death I’ve been known to do it effectively from time to time.

I play a lot online in various discords/ leagues because of dedicating a lot of my time on the weekends to being a good dad to my daughter makes getting out for paper tournaments difficult but I'm usually able to make one decent paper event a quarter and so far that’s been working out for all parties involved. I’ve been marked to my wife for almost 7 years now and we have loved our new adventure moving from Texas to the PNW.
If you want to shuffle up easiest place to reach me is on discord or twitter.
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