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You are able to use markdown syntax in the Activity Stream posts & comments and in Hub descriptions.
Here’s a quick guide of the most common things you can do with markdown and how to format it.
# H1 Heading (largest heading size)
## H2 Heading (second largest heading size)
### H3 Heading (third largest heading size)
#### H4 Heading (size gets smaller the more # you use)
**bold text** –> bold text
*italicized text* –> italicized text
~~strikethrough text~~ –> strikethrough text
[Title]( –> Title
![alt text](imageurl.jpg) –> shows an image
We have built-in markdown support for a few different images for colors & types that you can use for your Hub descriptions and in the Activity Streams.
Click on a button to copy the Markdown embed code for the image.